The plan to connect Project 2025 to Trump

On Wednesday Biden posted to his social media that “Project 2025 will destroy America.” The Left are obviously pushing the idea that Project 2025, which is a 900-page collection of policy proposals, is a harmful conservative, right-wing agenda that will take over America if Trump wins in November. The Left are strongly pushing the idea

Are you better off than you were four years ago?

In the lead-up to the first presidential debate, former President Donald Trump and Biden have been urging voters to ask themselves the most important question: Are you better off than you were four years ago? Biden will try to brag about the “wage increase” over the last two years in certain job markets but he

Biden offering some illegals a pathway to citizenship

A new Biden administration policy announced Tuesday that it will give roughly half a million illegal immigrants who are married to American citizens but lack legal status a pathway to citizenship for them and their children. It’s just another clever way for the Left to reward illegal activity on our southern border and ultimately use

Biden campaign announces $50 million advertisement investment

The advertisement will be a 30 second TV ad titled “character matters” which highlights the judgements against Trump in his criminal and civil trials. As usual, the Left can only attack the character of their political opponents, seems the last thing they want to do is disucss the policies that affect the American people.

Right on cue, Biden calls trump a “convicted felon”

“For the first time in American history, a former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking the office of the presidency,” Biden told a group of donors during his latest fundraiser. As expected, the Dems will use the recent Trump “verdict” to try and smear his reputation in the upcomming Presidential debate.