When American voters have been deceived on both sides of the aisle, it’s a truth many wanted to discount. I have been speaking about a united front between the DNC and the GOP sense 2020. It was clear to me what their roles were after election fraud occurred that was so obvious. Many were shocked I even said it. However, it didn’t stop me from making others aware. I realized quickly we were dealing with what I called a Uni-Party. This could only work if one played the bad cop and the other played the good cop. It was very clear to me the GOP played the good cop with lip service, while the Dems were the bad cops committing crimes. Truth is they both were committing crimes by defrauding the American voters with election fraud, posting egregious laws, taking away our freedoms, opening borders and stealing our tax dollars, while both GOP and DNC, raked in millions for themselves. Now it’s time to give the American voters real leadership under God First. This is where a chance at Justice can truly happen.