PFF Club Code of Conduct and Ethics For A United Front

1. God First platform.

2. Unified under One Vote.

3. America First Protocol.

4. America First Candidates.

5. Respect for others and cordial discourse.

6. Greet each other with a smile and well wishes.

7. Understand what we have in common.

8. Show support for one another and their groups.

9. Follow our God First Platform when suggesting candidates.

10. We vow to seek God in all situations.

11. Bringing patience and respect to disagreements by seeking God’s wisdom through prayer.

12. We must learn to wait on God for answers.

13. If we are to wait, we will need to do God’s work by servicing him and continue to be Fisher of Men.

14. No public display of arguments on social media, rallies, forums, news outlets, including newspapers, articles, op-eds etc.

15. Dues paid annually.

16. Extra donations are optional.

17. Abide by directions given to complete tasks.

18. Participate with creative ideas.

19. No drugs of any kind allowed in meetings prior to, during or after.

20. We must keep our body (The temple of God) pure and free of iniquities.

21. Pray constantly and recite the Lord’s Prayer daily and often.

22. Be reasonable and slow to anger.

23. Do not publicly degrade Conservative Candidates at any given time. If you do not know them personally, do not condemn them from hearsay. If their actions have proven to be false that can be stated and conveyed professionally and without malice.

24. Each group will concentrate on the city they are established in.

25. Tasks given must be completed by the designated date.

26. All unresolved conflicts must be brought to the board of PFF Club for resolution.

27. Resolutions by the board of PFF Club must be respected and adhered to.

28. We are a Pro-Life platform.

29. We love all, but will not tolerate man’s definition of life, it is God’s creation an no others.

30. You are not required to be vaccinated to attend our meetings.

31. Remember this is a God first platform, God is our focus, not any one of us or groups. We must pay honor to our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ. Through prayers we may have the opportunity to re-establish what has been allowed to be taken away.

32. We respect God’s law of marriage and family.

33. Remember this is a God first platform, God is our focus, not any one of us or groups. We must pay honor to our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ. Through prayers we may have the opportunity to re-establish what has been allowed to be taken away.

34. Pray for the leaders of this country and leaders of all groups including PFF Club.

Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed by thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever Amen.
